Back pain NHS Choices | Cold sores NHS Choices |
Common Cold NHS Choices | Conjunctivitis NHS ChoicesInformation Leaflet |
Constipation NHS Choices | Cough NHS Choices Information Leaflet |
Diarrhoea NHS Choices | Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) NHS Choices |
Earache NHS Choices | Haemorrhoids NHS Choices |
Hayfever NHS Choices | Head lice NHS Choices |
Headache NHS Choices | Heartburn & Indigestion NHS Choices |
Influenza NHS Choices Information Leaflet | Insect bites NHS Choices |
Migraine NHS Choices | Nasal congestion NHS Choices |
Nappy rash NHS Choices | Sore throat NHS Choices Information Leaflet |
Sinusitis NHS Choices | Sprains and strains NHS Choices |
Thrush NHS Choices | Warts and Verrucas NHS Choices |
Non-urgent advice: Caution
Please note that the information on this page, and links are provided by NHS Choices. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information and recommend that you check with the service provider that the information is correct.