Contact Us Form
Do you have a non urgent query? Use the form below to send us a message – Alternatively use the contact details below! (Please do not use this form for medical queries, Prescription Requests, Or Anything of a medical nature, We aim to get back to you within 48 working hours)
Gardiner Crescent Surgery
Important Details
Craghead Road,
Pelton Fell,
There is a bus stop 100 yards from the surgery for the numbers 28, 29 buses.
Opening Times
Important Message:
Please be aware our opening hours are subject to change, please refer to the colander below to keep up to date with changes.
- Disabled WC
- Induction loop
- Step free access
- Wheelchair access

Craghead Medical Centre
Important Details
The Middles,
There is a bus stop outside the surgery for the number 16a Bus.
Disabled parking
- Disabled WC
- Induction loop
- Step free access
- Wheelchair access
Opening Times
Important Message
Please be aware our opening hours are subject to change, please refer to the calendar below to keep up to date with changes.
- Car Parking
- Disabled parking

Non-urgent advice: When We Are Closed
Before 08:00 or after 18:00 and at evenings/weekends and bank holidays should you require medical advice please call 111.
On the 3rd Thursday of each month we also have an afternoon called “Protected Learning Time”, Which is where we close at 12:30PM and spend the afternoon having important training.
For emergencies such as:
– Severe bleeding
– Suspected Stroke
– Collapse or unconsciousness
– Chest pains
Telephone 999 for an ambulance IMMEDIATELY
Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before using these services and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.