Latest News
Most of our patients will have received a text from yesterday morning. We have after a lot of thought, decided to base ourselves at Gardiner Crescent, at least for the short term. This decision has been taken with great reluctance and only after a good deal of thought. It has primarily been made for infection control purposes for both staff and patients. Gardiner Crescent will be open 8:30AM – 6:00PM throughout this week.
We use a shared waiting room at the Lavender Centre with other services. These other services are not under our control so we don’t know why they are waiting. Normally, this doesn’t matter but given the nature of this crisis, in this case it does matter. We will be reviewing the situation constantly and aim to open up there as soon as we can be assured that we have made / carried out all the necessary precautions to protect both staff and patients.
We will be picking up repeat requests on a daily basis, and have an arrangement with Centrechem for picking up any paper scripts if necessary. Fit notes and any other administration will be posted out to you, as necessary.
The Lavender Centre is still open to patients to drop there repeat prescriptions in the green box our reception is not manned at this time. The prescriptions will be collected on a daily basis and will be processed within 2 working days.