March 2020 – Prescriptions and sick notes.
Do not ask for additional month(s) supply of your medication or an earlier issue- ‘just in case’. You will receive a flat refusal. Please do not argue with this – we have received strict advice on this matter from NHSE.
Why, may you ask – have you had problems getting loo rolls / flour / pasta /rice or bread at the minute? Imagine if you are faced with that scenario with your medication.
If you are going away, in this country still, we can send your scripts electronically to a pharmacist close to you.
To order scripts without coming in, you can post them in, ask for them via AccuRX, our online services or call and ask to be put onto repeat dispensing.
The best way to order and receive your prescriptions is to a) register for online services. If you have someone in your family who is not good with technology but you are, we can register you to act as their proxy and b) to have a nominated pharmacy so that your script goes straight to the chemist rather than you having to pick it up from us. Most who have a repeat have the latter set up but not the former. Please consider ensuring that both are set up
Send us a message via AccuRX if you want us to set you up for online services and we will sort it out for you.
We will also be looking at, for those on stable meds and are up to date with any screening required, starting people of e-repeat dispensing. This will mean a set number of issues will go down to your nominated pharmacy and for the duration of those issues, you just go to the pharmacy to get them when due. You will return to us for monitoring (bloods, bp etc) and then the cycle will start again.
We only have 2 phone lines in or out so we will not be able to offer prescriptions over the phone at this point in time.
Prescription, points to note:
1) We won’t be issuing prescriptions earlier or in multiple amounts.
2) Where possible all scripts will be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacist.
3) If dropping your script in at GCS please drop it in the box at the doorway – do not walk to the usual red box at reception.
4) We are picking up scripts at our unmanned desk at the Lavender Centre first thing in the morning EVERY working day.
5) Due to the current craziness we are unable to produce same day scripts except in dire clinical circumstances.
6) If you are on settled medication, we will be changing you to repeat dispensing on a phased basis so that you will not have to come to the surgery to request them. If you request your meds online or your pharmacy manages your script already this will not change.
7) If you do not have an established prescription for paracetomol, we are unable to prescribe it except in very specific clinical circumstances.
8) We process all prescription requests we receive every working day. Dr Hall is working at home, once he has finished surgery to make sure scripts are dealt with.
9) Our phone lines are extremely busy at the moment, if you can call your pharmacy first to enquire if a script has been done or is at the pharmacy especially first thing in the morning it would be a great help
Dr Hall cannot issue sick notes for seven days sickness or less . If you or someone you know needs a sicknote for this period of time, please follow your employers protocol or use the SC2 form available via the gov. uk website.
For sick notes either repeat or fresh please ask for one by phone / messaging via online services / via e consult. In order to avoid footfall in the surgery, we will probably post it to you when complete.
We will be unable to turn these around on the same day – especially if we are using post to get it to you. Please be patient.