In a real emergency, please dial 999 and request an ambulance.
Patients whose illness prevents them from visiting the surgery can be visited in their own homes. Requests for visits should be made between 08:00 and 10:30.Like all GP appointments, It must go through a triage stage, This is just a telephone call from one of our trained GP’s, They will assess your need for a home visit over the phone, as a lot of ailments can be dealt with over the telephone.
Please remember that the doctor can see/speak several people at the surgery in the time it takes to do a home visit.
Lack of transport, or looking after children, is not a reason for a home visit.
You can be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.